Release date: September 30, 2020
Gantt DayPilot.Gantt.treeAnimation added (default value: true).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.makeDraggable(options) - supports options.externalCursor (overrides the default "move" cursor if specified).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRectangleSelecting(args): args.resources supported
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.range.all() renamed to DayPilot.Scheduler.multirange.get().
(build 8501)
watchWidthChanges records the initial width without delay during init().
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeCornerRender supports args.areas.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.onBeforeHeaderDomRemove added.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.multirange.add({start, end, resource})
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.onEventMoving: args.external added
(build 8501)
(build 8501)
Gantt DayPilot.Gantt.onBeforeCornerRender added
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRectangleSelecting(args): args.visible
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.loadingStart(options) - options added (options.delay, options.text, options.block).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rowHeaderColumns[].hidden supported
(build 8501)
(build 8501)
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.multiselect.get() added as an alias to - api unification
(build 8501)
Scheduler width change watching optimized.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeTimeHeaderRender: args.fontColor, args.fontSize, args.fontFamily, args.fontStyle supported.
(build 8501)
- added (static)
(build 8501)
args.originalEvent added to DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowClick/ed and onRowDoubleClick/ed
(build 8501)
Bubble Bubble content dimensions measured off-screen when adjusting the position.
(build 8501)
Menu and MenuBar default themes use user-select:none to prevent text selection.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.dragInProgress() method added
(build 8501)
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.watchWidthChanges (default value: true)
(build 8501)
Gantt Link color updated in the default theme (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 8501)
Clearing the event moving source CSS postponed to args.loaded() when async onEventMove is used (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeGridLineRender/args.hidden and args.color applied during export.
(build 8501)
[Calendar] accepts raw event data object in addition to DayPilot.Event
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Modal 3.7.1 integrated
(build 8501)
Optimized dimension changes watching (Calendar, Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 8501)
Stricter DayPilot.Date constructor string format checking (ISO8601 format)
(build 8501)
[Calendar] accepts event id in addition to DayPilot.Event
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Http.ajax(): HTTP response code 201 treated as success
(build 8501)
Scheduler inline row name edit element changed from textarea to input - better text alignment and wrapping.
(build 8501)
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Http.ajax(): HTTP response code 204 treated as success
(build 8501)
Gantt Setting HTML using allowed for task groups (Gantt chart).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.treeImageMarginLeft: default value changed from 5 to 0.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.businessBeginsHour > businessEndsHour supported
(build 8501)
Bubble DayPilot.Bubble.getActive() returns the currently-visible DayPilot.Bubble object or null if no bubble is visible.
(build 8501)
Gantt Gantt chart Theme Builder CSS updated (
(build 8501)
Parsing "yy" in DayPilot.Date.parse(). Resolves to year 2000+.
(build 8501)
Optimized dimension changes watching (Calendar, Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Gantt Gantt row header padding 2px -> 7px (default CSS theme)
(build 8501)
Bubble DayPilot.Bubble.hideOnHover added (boolean, default false).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Http.ajax(): Parsing the response as JSON only if not empty
(build 8501)
Scheduler Theme 8 updated (expand/collapse icons)
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.remove() accepts id (string | number) in addition to a DayPilot.Row object.
(build 8501)
Calling args.loaded() in onEventResized prevented (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Global table margin overridden to prevent unwanted hour header offset (Calendar).
(build 8501)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.multirange.get() items have "allowed" property (set to false in case of forbidden overlap with existing events of disabled cells).
(build 8501)
[Scheduler] accepts id as the first parameter (number | string) - in addition to DayPilot.Event object.
(build 8501)
Not including "new row" in row filter (DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowFilter).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Http.ajax uses method: "POST" if no method is specified and data parameter is present.
(build 8501)
Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.onHeaderClick/args.originalEvent added
(build 8501)
SVG delete icon (Scheduler)
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler - width changes being watched since visibility
(build 8501)
The first row header column will always use horizontalAlignment="left" for treeEnabled: true
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Switcher, ensure that onChange/d is called during init (so that events can be loaded).
(build 8501)
New SVG tree node icons (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Scheduler Theme Builder CSS updated (
(build 8501)
DayPilot.MenuBar.items[].cssClass added
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler: onEventResizing, onTimeRangeSelecting - args.anchor property.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.snapToGridRectangleSelecting added (affects rectangleSelectMode="Row")
(build 8501)
Default Month CSS theme - event content vertically centered.
(build 8501)
Gantt Closing related menus and bubbles during dispose().
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeGridLineRender event added.
(build 8501)
Gantt The first row header column will always use horizontalAlignment="left"
(build 8501)
Link color updated in the default theme (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 8501)
Padding of the row header cells increased in the default Scheduler theme (".scheduler_default_rowheader_inner", from 2px to 7px);
(build 8501)
Gantt New SVG tree node icons (Gantt).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.onHeaderClick/args.shift, args.ctrl and args.metda added
(build 8501)
Crosshair highlighting fixed in IE11 (Calendar).
(build 8501)
Text clipping during image export fixed (JPEG, PNG).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Calendar.onEventMove/onEventResize: calling args.preventDefault() should clear the shadow - fixed.
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onTimeRangeSelect/ed shouldn't be fired when time range context menu is opened using right click, with allowMultiRange enabled (fixed).
(build 8501)
Export of the last grid column fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onAfterRender should be fired after onScroll with args.clearEvents = true (fixed)
(build 8501)
Event delete icon not displayed properly - fixed (Calendar).
(build 8501)
rowClickHandling="Select" fixed (Scheduler, Gantt)
(build 8501)
Active areas with visibility:"Hover" occasionally displayed on touch devices - fixed.
(build 8501)
Right-clickig a disabled cell fixed - action is canceled (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Gantt Order of row header column content fixed during image export (Gantt).
(build 8501)
Event version mouse down shouldn't propagate to the Scheduler grid (fixed).
(build 8501)
Time header crosshair not hiding correctly - fixed. It masked active areas in the time header and it was not possible to click them. (Calendar)
(build 8501)
[Scheduler] should respect DayPilot.Scheduler.eventEndSpec - fixed
(build 8501)
Menu item text wrapping fixed (theme update).
(build 8501)
Touch position detection fixed (Chrome/Android): "ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property 'shift' of null"
(build 8501)
Moving events with showNonBusiness=false fixed (Scheduler/viewType="Days").
(build 8501)
Row moving handle not rendered properly during rows.update() - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
ResizeObserver should be removed during dispose() - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Text padding fixed during image export (for horizontalAlignment:"right").
(build 8501)
Gantt Export of links that point to events outside of the grid fixed (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 8501)
Crosshair position calculation fixed - "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null" (Scheduler with no time headers).
(build 8501)
Vertical lines fixed for cellWidthSpec: "Auto" and active rowHeaderWidthAutoFit
(build 8501)
Mouse down of the second button during time range selection ignored - instead of resetting the selection (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Time range selection context menu fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Export of links that point to events outside of the grid fixed (Scheduler, Gantt).
(build 8501)
Touching the time header fires events for underlying grid cells on iOS - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Position of submenu invoked from an active area fixed.
(build 8501)
Target column detection (right edge) fixed (Calendar) - "TypeError: v is undefined".
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.multiSelectRectangle (legacy) backwards compatibility fixed.
(build 8501)
Color of last vertical line fixed - Scheduler export with onBeforeGridLineRender.
(build 8501)
The moving/resizing shadow should be cleared properly when the target position is forbidden (overlap prevention, disabled cells) - fixed (Calendar).
(build 8501)
Context menu position adjustment fixed on iOS & zoom.
(build 8501)
Floating event text color fixed - should respect fontColor set in onBeforeEventRender (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Submenu shouldn't be activated after the parent has been closed - fixed.
(build 8501)
Opening event context menu from onEventClick on touch devices - coords fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
New row icon fixed - CSS theme (Scheduler).
(build 8501)
Rendering events in rows displayed beyond the current viewport after update fixed (Scheduler, heightSpec: "Max" or "Auto").
(build 8501)
Gantt rowClickHandling="Select" fixed (Scheduler, Gantt)
(build 8501)
API Changes
DayPilot.Scheduler.multiSelectRectangle replaced by rectangleSelectHandling ("Disabled" | "Enabled" | "EventSelect") and rectangleSelectMode ("Free" | "Row"). Backwards compatible
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRectangleEventSelect, onRectangleEventSelected, onRectangleEventSelecting renamed to onRectangleSelect, onRectangleSelected, onRectangleSelecting. Backwards compatible
(build 8501)
DayPilot.Scheduler.treeImageMarginRight default value changed from 2 to 5 (API).
(build 8501)
Gantt DayPilot.Gantt.treeImageMarginRight default value changed from 2 to 5 (API).
(build 8501)
Gantt DayPilot.Gantt.treeImageMarginLeft default value changed from 5 to 0 (API).
(build 8501)