Release date: November 1, 2021
DayPilot.Scheduler.groupBubble implemented
Custom drop target for external items (Calendar)
Default height of Calendar all-day event updated (allDayEventHeight, 25 -> 30).
(build 8541)
DayPilot.Gantt.hideBorderFor100PctHeight supported
(build 8541)
Improved detection of height changes (for heightSpec="Max100Pct" and "Parent100Pct" modes).
(build 8541)
Verbose-level Chrome log messages ("[Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking <some> event. Consider marking event handler as 'passive' to make the page more responsive.") reduced on devices without touch support (Calendar).
(build 8541)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventMoving fired on shift/ctrl/meta/alt key status change as well
(build 8541)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeGroupRender/ added
(build 8541)
Gantt chart row header background color extended to full column height (applies to heightSpec: "Parent100Pct").
(build 8541)
Improved detection of height changes (for heightSpec="Max100Pct" and "Parent100Pct" modes).
(build 8541)
Clearing the previous shadow link if is null in onEventMoving (Scheduler).
(build 8541)
DayPilot.Calendar.registerDropTarget() method added.
(build 8541)
DayPilot.Calendar.onAfterCellRender event added.
(build 8541)
Default CSS theme: all-day event text vertically centered (Calendar).
(build 8541)
Active areas with ResizeStart, ResizeEnd, and Move actions fixed (touch devices).
(build 8541)
DayPilot.Date constructor performance issue fixed (when creating a date from a short date string).
(build 8541)
Restoring the correct "display" style of active areas after floating status removed (fixed).
(build 8541)
Autoscroll stopped when mouse moved outside the component (Calendar).
(build 8541)
Scheduler floating event arrow position fixed.
(build 8541)