Release date: July 12, 2022
Jakarta EE 9+ support (jakarta.* instead of javax.* namespace)
- [Month]
Display a specified maximum number of events per cell + expand button.
DayPilot.Scheduler.groupBubble implemented
Cell header click event handler (onCellHeaderClick/ed)
Disabled cells
Event bar with customizable color
Row header columns of parent resources merged into a single cell by default (DayPilot.Scheduler.rowHeaderColumnsMergeParents property)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeCornerExport event added
(build 8556)
Moving shadow respects row marginTop and marginBottom values (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeGroupRender/ added
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeRowHeaderExport/args.columns replaces args.row.columns (backwards compatible)
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Month.maxEvents property added ("All" | number)
(build 8556)
Event links rendered progressively if progressive event rendering is enabled (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Navigator adds *_free CSS class to free cells (it already adds *_busy to cells with events).
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rowHeaderWidthMin - sets the minimum row header width when row header scrolling/resizing is enabled (default value: 20)
(build 8556)
Possibility to merge row header columns into a single cell using args.row.columns = [] in DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeRowHeaderRender
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Calendar.headerTextWrappingEnabled added (default value: false)
(build 8556)
"uk-ua" locale added
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Month.onBeforeCellRender/ (TypeScript)
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Calendar.onBeforeTimeHeaderRender: args.header.text added (used for image export).
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onBeforeCellExport extended: args.areas, args.fontSize, args.fontFamily, args.fontStyle, args.fontColor are now supported
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Calendar.selectTimeRange(start, end, resource, dontFireEvent) method added
(build 8556)
Bubble Active area hover bubble [action: "Bubble", bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble()] supported for all elements (in addition to events and Scheduler row headers).
(build 8556)
Default duration bar width changed to 6px (used to be 4px) - default Calendar CSS theme
(build 8556)
Separator width respected during image export (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Header styling for a small number of fixed columns added - background color and separator (Calendar).
(build 8556)
Time range selection displayed immediately on mousedown - used to wait for the first move (Month).
(build 8556)
Text displayed next to the event (left/right) centered vertically (Scheduler, default theme).
(build 8556)
[Navigator], end, options?) extended - it can select a custom date range when freeHandSelectionEnabled is set to true.
(build 8556)
Color of forbidden target shadow updated from "red" to "#cc4125" (built-in theme, all components).
(build 8556)
Monthly calendar default CSS theme tweaks (start/end, word wrapping disabled).
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Scheduler.durationBarHeight value respected (in the browser)
(build 8556)
Fixed error when rendering link between non-existent events (ignoring the link).
(build 8556)
Calendar external drag and drop: Initial position calculation error fixed.
(build 8556)
Calling events.edit() for the same event twice doesn't cancel the editing mode anymore (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Grouping of events with versions fixed in eventVersionsReserveSpace=true mode (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Export of calendar with custom timeHeaderCellDuration or time header text fixed.
(build 8556)
Row header hide icon click bubbling fixed on touch devices (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
The default browser menu incorrectly appears on event right click in some cases - fixed (Scheduler)
(build 8556)
Expanding groups that include event versions - row height fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Prevent the default browser context menu for event right click (fix), respecting the allowDefaultContextMenu value (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Touch range selection corrupt when moving over different columns - fixed (Calendar)
(build 8556)
Event groups disappearing after update - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Disabled cells range checking fixed (Calendar).
(build 8556)
Column header title scrolling position synchronization fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Scheduler.rows.update() shouldn't reset row selection status - fixed
(build 8556)
Releasing mouse button on source event (not on target position shadow) during event moving fires onEventClick - fixed.
(build 8556)
Event arrangement inside concurrent event groups fixed - may have resulted in a wrong expanded row height (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Row creation fixed
(build 8556)
Row header column title horizontal scrollbar position reset during update - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Horizontal scrolling of row header using swipe gesture fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Row creation fixed
(build 8556)
Progressive event rendering + all-day events error fixed (Calendar).
(build 8556)
Moving events on touch devices fixed for columnWidthSpec: "Fixed" (Calendar)
(build 8556)
Deep resource tree node "expanded" state fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Event layers cleaned up after rendering rows (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
Error on link right mouse click fixed: "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'args')" (Scheduler)
(build 8556)
Target shadow fixed for customized args.multiresize[] items in DayPilot.Scheduler.onEventResizing.
(build 8556)
Milestone dragging offset fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8556)
API Changes
DayPilot.Calendar.onBeforeCellRender: Customizable cell properties moved to object. This change aligns the API with the Scheduler. Partially backwards compatible: setting the values on the args.cell object is still supported.
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Month.onBeforeCellRender: Customizable cell properties moved to object. This change aligns the API with the Scheduler. Partially backwards compatible: setting the values on the args.cell object is still supported.
(build 8556)
DayPilot.Month.timeRangeDoubleClickHandling default value changed to "Disabled" (API change).
(build 8556)