Release date: November 18, 2023
Responsive mode
Row header column title bubble (Scheduler)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onScrollEnd added (for dynamic event loading)
Link text supported for FinishToStart links (Scheduler)
Curved links (Scheduler)
Zero-duration events treated as valid when checking busy days (Navigator).
(build 8572)
New styling of target shadow (including the forbidden position when overlaps are disabled) - Calendar
(build 8572)
[Month] accepts raw event data object in addition to DayPilot.Event.
(build 8572)
Bubble Cell bubble location (with position: "Above") adjusted.
(build 8572)
Overlap calculation improved when moving multiple events at once and overriding the target position of selected events using args.multimove (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
New SVG icons: "checkmark-2", "checkmark-4"
(build 8572)
[Month] added
(build 8572)
Navigator.cellWidth property supports "Auto" value (responsive mode)
(build 8572)
New SVG icons: "threedots-v", "threedots-h"
(build 8572)
New drag and drop target shadow styling (Scheduler)
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Month.onEventMove/d: args.meta property added
(build 8572)
Vertical adjustment of the event floating label + arrow (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
[Calendar] added
(build 8572)
Navigator.cellWidth = "Auto" works for freehand selection with showMonths > 1 and horizontal orientation
(build 8572)
Minimum distance of approx 3 px required to initiate event moving (Month).
(build 8572)
Queue DayPilot.Queue.eventBarVisible added to TypeScript definitions
(build 8572)
Bubble Bubble position updated for unspecified target (which now resolves to position: "Mouse") and enabled arrow (showArrow: true).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.linkShape property added ("Curved" |
(build 8572)
A custom CSS class that is added to links using the 'cssClass' property is now properly applied to curved links in the Scheduler.
(build 8572)
Row header column title tooltip supported (rowHeaderColumns[].toolTip and onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender/args.column.toolTip) - Scheduler.
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Calendar.getCoords() TypeScript definition (returns an object with x, y, column, and time properties)
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowClick/ed: args.originalEvent added to TypeScript definitions
(build 8572)
Bubble DayPilot.Bubble: arrowTopIndent (6), arrowLeftIndent (6) properties added
(build 8572)
The full crosshair in the Calendar allows mouse events to pass through (pointer-events: none).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Calendar.loadingStart(options): Added an option to block the UI until loadingStop() is called. The "options" object can have the following properties: delay (number), text (string), block (boolean).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Gantt.getCoords() added
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Gantt.rowMoveSameLevelOnly property added
(build 8572)
Links between events within a collapsed group are not rendered (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Updated styling of the row moving target (default theme) - "child" and "forbidden" positions
(build 8572)
Default styling of the rectangle selection updated (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Autoscroll supported when creating a link using drag and drop (+ rendering link points for new events) - Scheduler.
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Calendar.dragInProgress() added
(build 8572)
Curved links support click events (onLinkClick, onLinkClicked), context menu (contextMenuLink) and bubble (linkBubble).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.disposed() method added
(build 8572)
New styling of target shadow - Monthly calendar
(build 8572)
Event text wrapping supported during SVG export (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
More efficient parsing of Scheduler event text/html.
(build 8572)
When moving multiple events with skipping non-business enabled, the original business-time distance between events is retained correctly, implemented for the same row (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
[Calendar] - update optimized when "data" is a raw source object
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.linkDotSize property added (specifies the diameter of a dot displayed two adjacent events connected using links).
(build 8572)
Custom link CSS class applied to the end marker of the link curve as well (Scheduler)
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Calendar.onEventResizing: args.anchor added
(build 8572)
The full crosshair in the Scheduler allows mouse events to pass through (pointer-events: none).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Calendar.getCoords() added
(build 8572)
Skipping non-business hours applied to additional events during multi-moving as well (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onTimeRangeSelect/ed: args.origin ("click", "drag", "keyboard", "api") property added
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowRightClick: args.x added (column index)
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowRightClick/ed added to TypeScript definitions
(build 8572)
Bubble A bubble displayed by an active area respects the DayPilot.Bubble.showAfter value.
(build 8572)
Links to events in collapsed groups point to the group correctly (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Calendar.onEventClick: args.shift property added
(build 8572)
New "edit" SVG symbol icon added to daypilot.svg
(build 8572)
Updated styling of the row moving target (default theme) - "child" and "forbidden" positions (Scheduler)
(build 8572)
Styling of curved links using CSS themes.
(build 8572)
Bubble A bubble displayed by an active area (action: "Bubble", bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble()) uses the active area rectangle as a reference point when the position property is set to "Above".
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.onTimeHeaderClick/ed: args.originalEvent, args.ctrl, args.meta, args.shift added
(build 8572)
The value of eventTextWrappingEnabled respected during image export (JPG, PNG) - Scheduler.
(build 8572)
Highlighting of rows that are pre-selected using "selectedRows" property fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Event moving in RTL mode fixed (Calendar).
(build 8572)
Dynamic event loading fires another onScroll when the Scheduler height changes - fixed.
(build 8572)
Rectangle selection hiding using args.visible in onRectangleSelecting fixed - flicker removed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Occasional corruption of event moving when events are reloaded using onScroll (dynamic loading) during drag and drop - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Adding a link pointing to a newly created event (not rendered yet) renders an invalid SVG path - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Vertical position of a resizing shadow fixed - regression (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Scheduler keyboard navigation: Left arrow key press on event that starts before the visible date range fixed.
(build 8572)
Scheduler keyboard navigation: Correctly skipping hidden rows (collapsed tree nodes, row filtering).
(build 8572)
DayPilot.Scheduler.getCoords(): Type of the "row" property of the return object fixed (DayPilot.Row)
(build 8572)
Event links points (drag and drop link creation) should not be displayed for concurrent event groups - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
[Calendar] fixed for a raw data object.
(build 8572)
Moving multiple events (event multi-moving) over non-business hours with skipping enabled now correctly calculates the position of additional events (they can't start in non-business segments) and respects the event box offset (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Pressing <enter> when an event is focused (keyboard navigation) fixed in Firefox (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Clearing Calendar cells during dispose() fixed ("Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'root')" error).
(build 8572)
Checking the target for disabled cells during event moving (with event overlap protection enabled) has been fixed in the Scheduler.
(build 8572)
Multi-range selection fixed on Mac (Command "keyup" detection) - Scheduler
(build 8572)
Disabled drag and drop for events (moveDisabled, moveHDisabled, moveVDisabled) is respected during multi-moving (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Custom color for link dot fixed (Scheduler)
(build 8572)
Start date of the "new resource" row (row creating) fixed for custom Scheduler timeline (timeline: "Manual").
(build 8572)
Duplicate of the master event removed from onEventMoving/args.multimove (when events are reloaded during moving) - Scheduler.
(build 8572)
Creating a new time range after another event was moved (with allowEventOverlap: true) throws an error - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Behavior of a Scheduler row header active area that shows a bubble fixed: it respects the showAfter value, it respects the position value, immediate hiding fixed
(build 8572)
Creating a new time range after multiple events were moved at once (allowMultiMove: true and allowEventOverlap: false) throws an error - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Ctrl+click on an event when rectangleSelectHandling is enabled selects a time range - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Broken event click after using an async validation (args.async = true) in onEventMove - fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
The calculation of the next cell has been fixed for some edge cases during keyboard navigation, as discussed in forum question 6199 (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
Scheduler grid cell double click (with allowMultiRange: true) error fixed.
(build 8572)
Restoring the row selection highlighting (in frozen rows) after an update fixed (Scheduler).
(build 8572)
API Changes
The default value of allDayEventHeight changed from 30 to 34 (Calendar API).
(build 8572)