DayPilot Pro for Java 2023.4.8573

Release date: November 18, 2023


  • [Navigator] Responsive mode
  • [Scheduler] Row header column title bubble (Scheduler)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onScrollEnd added (for dynamic event loading)
  • [Scheduler] Link text supported for FinishToStart links (Scheduler)
  • [Scheduler] Curved links (Scheduler)


  • [Navigator] Zero-duration events treated as valid when checking busy days (Navigator). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] New styling of target shadow (including the forbidden position when overlaps are disabled) - Calendar (build 8572)
  • [Month] accepts raw event data object in addition to DayPilot.Event. (build 8572)
  • Bubble Cell bubble location (with position: "Above") adjusted. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Overlap calculation improved when moving multiple events at once and overriding the target position of selected events using args.multimove (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • New SVG icons: "checkmark-2", "checkmark-4" (build 8572)
  • [Month] added (build 8572)
  • [Navigator] Navigator.cellWidth property supports "Auto" value (responsive mode) (build 8572)
  • New SVG icons: "threedots-v", "threedots-h" (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] New drag and drop target shadow styling (Scheduler) (build 8572)
  • [Month] DayPilot.Month.onEventMove/d: args.meta property added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Vertical adjustment of the event floating label + arrow (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] added (build 8572)
  • [Navigator] Navigator.cellWidth = "Auto" works for freehand selection with showMonths > 1 and horizontal orientation (build 8572)
  • [Month] Minimum distance of approx 3 px required to initiate event moving (Month). (build 8572)
  • Queue DayPilot.Queue.eventBarVisible added to TypeScript definitions (build 8572)
  • Bubble Bubble position updated for unspecified target (which now resolves to position: "Mouse") and enabled arrow (showArrow: true). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.linkShape property added ("Curved" | "RightAngled") (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] A custom CSS class that is added to links using the 'cssClass' property is now properly applied to curved links in the Scheduler. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Row header column title tooltip supported (rowHeaderColumns[].toolTip and onBeforeRowHeaderColumnRender/args.column.toolTip) - Scheduler. (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.getCoords() TypeScript definition (returns an object with x, y, column, and time properties) (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowClick/ed: args.originalEvent added to TypeScript definitions (build 8572)
  • Bubble DayPilot.Bubble: arrowTopIndent (6), arrowLeftIndent (6) properties added (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] The full crosshair in the Calendar allows mouse events to pass through (pointer-events: none). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.loadingStart(options): Added an option to block the UI until loadingStop() is called. The "options" object can have the following properties: delay (number), text (string), block (boolean). (build 8572)
  • [Gantt] DayPilot.Gantt.getCoords() added (build 8572)
  • [Gantt] DayPilot.Gantt.rowMoveSameLevelOnly property added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Links between events within a collapsed group are not rendered (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Gantt] Updated styling of the row moving target (default theme) - "child" and "forbidden" positions (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Default styling of the rectangle selection updated (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Autoscroll supported when creating a link using drag and drop (+ rendering link points for new events) - Scheduler. (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.dragInProgress() added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Curved links support click events (onLinkClick, onLinkClicked), context menu (contextMenuLink) and bubble (linkBubble). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.disposed() method added (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] New styling of target shadow - Monthly calendar (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Event text wrapping supported during SVG export (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] More efficient parsing of Scheduler event text/html. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] When moving multiple events with skipping non-business enabled, the original business-time distance between events is retained correctly, implemented for the same row (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] - update optimized when "data" is a raw source object (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.linkDotSize property added (specifies the diameter of a dot displayed two adjacent events connected using links). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Custom link CSS class applied to the end marker of the link curve as well (Scheduler) (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.onEventResizing: args.anchor added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] The full crosshair in the Scheduler allows mouse events to pass through (pointer-events: none). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.getCoords() added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Skipping non-business hours applied to additional events during multi-moving as well (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onTimeRangeSelect/ed: args.origin ("click", "drag", "keyboard", "api") property added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowRightClick: args.x added (column index) (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onRowRightClick/ed added to TypeScript definitions (build 8572)
  • Bubble A bubble displayed by an active area respects the DayPilot.Bubble.showAfter value. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Links to events in collapsed groups point to the group correctly (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] DayPilot.Calendar.onEventClick: args.shift property added (build 8572)
  • New "edit" SVG symbol icon added to daypilot.svg (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Updated styling of the row moving target (default theme) - "child" and "forbidden" positions (Scheduler) (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Styling of curved links using CSS themes. (build 8572)
  • Bubble A bubble displayed by an active area (action: "Bubble", bubble: new DayPilot.Bubble()) uses the active area rectangle as a reference point when the position property is set to "Above". (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.onTimeHeaderClick/ed: args.originalEvent, args.ctrl, args.meta, args.shift added (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] The value of eventTextWrappingEnabled respected during image export (JPG, PNG) - Scheduler. (build 8572)


  • [Scheduler] Highlighting of rows that are pre-selected using "selectedRows" property fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] Event moving in RTL mode fixed (Calendar). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Dynamic event loading fires another onScroll when the Scheduler height changes - fixed. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Rectangle selection hiding using args.visible in onRectangleSelecting fixed - flicker removed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Occasional corruption of event moving when events are reloaded using onScroll (dynamic loading) during drag and drop - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Adding a link pointing to a newly created event (not rendered yet) renders an invalid SVG path - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Vertical position of a resizing shadow fixed - regression (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler keyboard navigation: Left arrow key press on event that starts before the visible date range fixed. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler keyboard navigation: Correctly skipping hidden rows (collapsed tree nodes, row filtering). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] DayPilot.Scheduler.getCoords(): Type of the "row" property of the return object fixed (DayPilot.Row) (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Event links points (drag and drop link creation) should not be displayed for concurrent event groups - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] fixed for a raw data object. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Moving multiple events (event multi-moving) over non-business hours with skipping enabled now correctly calculates the position of additional events (they can't start in non-business segments) and respects the event box offset (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Pressing <enter> when an event is focused (keyboard navigation) fixed in Firefox (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Calendar] Clearing Calendar cells during dispose() fixed ("Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'root')" error). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Checking the target for disabled cells during event moving (with event overlap protection enabled) has been fixed in the Scheduler. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Multi-range selection fixed on Mac (Command "keyup" detection) - Scheduler (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Disabled drag and drop for events (moveDisabled, moveHDisabled, moveVDisabled) is respected during multi-moving (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Custom color for link dot fixed (Scheduler) (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Start date of the "new resource" row (row creating) fixed for custom Scheduler timeline (timeline: "Manual"). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Duplicate of the master event removed from onEventMoving/args.multimove (when events are reloaded during moving) - Scheduler. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Creating a new time range after another event was moved (with allowEventOverlap: true) throws an error - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Behavior of a Scheduler row header active area that shows a bubble fixed: it respects the showAfter value, it respects the position value, immediate hiding fixed (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Creating a new time range after multiple events were moved at once (allowMultiMove: true and allowEventOverlap: false) throws an error - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Ctrl+click on an event when rectangleSelectHandling is enabled selects a time range - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Broken event click after using an async validation (args.async = true) in onEventMove - fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] The calculation of the next cell has been fixed for some edge cases during keyboard navigation, as discussed in forum question 6199 (Scheduler). (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduler grid cell double click (with allowMultiRange: true) error fixed. (build 8572)
  • [Scheduler] Restoring the row selection highlighting (in frozen rows) after an update fixed (Scheduler). (build 8572)

API Changes

  • [Calendar] The default value of allDayEventHeight changed from 30 to 34 (Calendar API). (build 8572)