Release date: February 4, 2013 (build 7.2.8249)
Moving Event to Exact Position (Scheduler)
It is possible to move the events to an exact position inside a time cell. You can use this feature in combination with EventSortExpression property to manage priority ordering.
Default moving mode (moving to time cell)

Moving to position

You can enable this mode by setting eventMoveToPosition=true. The selected position will be available in onEventMove event handler as e.getPosition().
Moving Event to Exact Position (Month)
It is possible to move the events to an exact position inside a time cell. You can use this feature in combination with EventSortExpression property to manage priority ordering.
Default moving mode (moving to time cell)

Moving to position

You can enable this mode by setting eventMoveToPosition=true. The selected position will be available in onEventMove event handler as e.getPosition().
RowsPerMonth (Navigator)
It is possible to hide the empty rows in the Navigator using rowsPerMonth property.
Six (default mode)


Sanity checks added.
(build 8239)
Sanity checks added.
(build 8239)
Sanity checks added.
(build 8239)
Request encoding set to UTF-8 in process().
(build 8240)
Response encoding set to UTF-8 in process().
(build 8240)
Callback response uses "application/json" content type (Grails compatibility).
(build 8240)
Callback request uses "text/plain" content type (Grails compatiblity).
(build 8240)
Custom background colors fixed (DirtyColors).
(build 8241)
Multiple time headers support aded.
(build 8242)
Tags fixed.
(build 8243)
Empty tag field exception fixed (OnBeforeEventRender).
(build 8245)
EventMoveToPosition implemented.
(build 8246)
EventMoveToPosition implemented.
(build 8247)
updateWithMessage() implemented.
(build 8247)
RowsPerMonth property added.
(build 8247)
"selected" class fixed in CssOnly mode.
(build 8247)
Making multiselect.add() compatible with events.find().
(build 8247)
Fixing Parent100Pct HeightSpec (negative height of nav.scroll), IE8.
(build 8247)
Client-side loading time improved for large data sets (up to 50% in DynamicEventRender mode).
(build 8247)
this.nav.divider bug fixed (Layout=TableBased).
(build 8247)